The growth in advanced telecom and computing equipment over the last few years has been dramatic. Fueled by the greater use of digital technologies alongside the shift to the Cloud, data driven organizations have seen significant rise in their power requirements. For demanding systems, the choice of hotswap switch has been limited to the traditional D2PAK or through-hole package options. With Nexperia’s new Application Specific MOSFETs (ASFETs) for Hotswap and Soft Start in LFPAK88, designers now have the choice of best-in-class enhanced SOA and low RDSon in a compact surface-mount 8x8 mm footprint.

Targeting systems that require the highest SOA (> 10 A) with the lowest RDSon (< 4 mΩ), the new LFPAK88 ASFETs deliver best-in-class linear mode energy and system efficiency. For example, within Nexperia's portfolio the PSMN3R7-100BSE offers the best SOA and RDSon performance in D2PAK, with 12 A @ 50 V @ 10 mS and 3.95 mΩ respectively. By switching to an LFPAK88 package with the PSMN2R3-100SSE, designers have a 13 A @ 50 V @ 10 mS and 2.3 mΩ option. That translates into an 8% stronger SOA with 40% lower RDSon and a 60% smaller footprint and package height. In other words, a truly outstanding hotswap solution.
Hotswap switches that keep their cool
A key attribute for efficient hotswap performance is how good their thermal stability is. It is fine to quote SOA figures at 25 °C, but many applications can run hotter than that. Not only do Nexperia’s ASFET effectively eliminate the thermal instabilities associated with the Spirito effect, but they are also tested and characterized at 125 °C so there is no need to manually de-rate the SOA curve. In addition, using Nexperia's LFPAK copper-clip technology delivers improved temperature cycling and reliability. So, engineers can exploit the superior hot performance.

Building on LFPAK88 success
Nexperia first introduced an 8x8 mm footprint into the LFPAK copper-clip package family for MOSFETs in 2019. At the time it was seen as the ideal D2PAK and D2PAK-7 replacement, particularly where high power demand and high thermal handling is key. Delivering industry leading power density and higher ID(max) capabilities while eliminating hot-spots and providing effective heat removal across the whole active area of the die. Benefits that also make the LFPAK88 ideal for demanding 80 V and 100 V Hotswap and Soft Start applications, including when paralleling in high-current capacitive applications.
For a complete overview of all the latest products, head over to the ASFETs for Hotswap and Soft Start page.